
npm npm

The rotate plugin does just what you'd expect. Using CSS transform, elements will rotate in whichever direction you'd like and for as long and as quick as you'd like.


❯ yarn add animo-rotate


import rotate from 'animo-rotate'
// Or via the script tag if you're not bundling
// <script src="path/to/rotate.min.js"></script>

rotate(document.querySelector('.some-element'), {
  deg: 90,
  iterate: 2
  .then(function() {
    /* ... */
  .catch(function(err) {
    /* ... */

Default properties

  // Milliseconds per rotation iteration
  interval: 1000,
  // Number of times to complete a full rotation
  iterate: 1,
  // Degree of rotation
  deg: 180,
  // Toggles removing of transition on completion
  keep: false,
  // CSS transform timing property
  timing: 'linear'

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