
Getting started

❯ git clone
❯ cd animo
❯ yarn

Then you can either

❯ yarn start


❯ yarn build

Establishing your package

All plugins should live in the packages subdirectory and should follow this simple structure:

- funkyjazzpackage/
-- src/
--- tests/
--- index.js
-- package.json

Then, add your package to the ./build.js script

const packages = [

Package browser

Now that you've established your package, the easiest way to fine-tune is via the package browser. The package browser is a quick and easy way to demo animo packages in a browser.

Simply add a reference to your package in the browser/examples directory, with an array of demos. Make sure the name matches the entry point you specified when establishing your package.

export default {
  name: 'funkyjazzpackage',
  demos: [
      title: 'simple funky jazz animation',
      options: {
        classNames: ['animated', 'funkyjazz']
        /* ... */

Now run yarn start and navigate to http://localhost:8080

Additionally, you can specify the styles of the wrapper element as well as the 'demo' box itself

demos: [
    title: 'simple funky jazz animation',
    options: {
      classNames: ['animated', 'funkyjazz']
      /* ... */
    styles: {
      backgroundColor: 'red'
    wrapperStyles: {
      overflow: 'hidden'


As stated above, keep all tests in a tests folder within your package's src

❯ yarn test

When adding tests, use the test suite that's currently made available and keep filenames relevant to the function being tested (ie bouncing.test.js)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""